Capital Campaign

Serve the Present. Honor the Past. Inspire the Future.

Capital Campaign for Sacred Heart

The "Serve the Past. Inspire the Future. Honor the Past." Capital Campaign for Sacred Heart is an opportunity for us, as parishioners of SH Church, parents and alumni with SH School, and community supporters, to work together to enhance our facilities and provide for current and future ministries.

Thank you for your supporting the “Serve the Present. Honor the Past. Inspire the Future.” capital campaign for Sacred Heart. Gifts of all amounts are gratefully appreciated. Pledges are especially encouraged because they allow a family to make a larger contribution over a longer period of time. Please use the buttons below to submit pledges or one-time donation payments.

06.11.18 New Progress Video

12.17.17 Progress Video

Campaign Video | created by Ethan Briggler and Cody Duvall in Mrs. Cara Pizzlotta's 8th grade Career Orientation Class

Church Expansion and Covered Drive Addition

We received our parish as a gift from Sacred Heart families who came before us. It is now our turn to add significantly to the beauty and effectiveness of this gift so that we can not only continue to use it well, but also be prepared to hand it on to those who will follow us.

The expansion to the church will provide approximately 2,000 sq ft addition of church vestibule, remodeling of existing bathroom/sacristy space, and addition of covered drop-off. Although we have carefully considered options for renovating the existing space, staying within the existing footprint will not allow us to meet all of the liturgical needs for the church. The entire church, including the vestibule, is a sacred space, made sacred by consecration. Expansion of the vestibule will provide a better space for gathering and improve reverence within the sacred space of the church. Additionally, a group of individuals who most utilize the space – for Mass as well as sacred events such as weddings and funerals – believe that this expansion will be the best way to meet the functional needs of the parish. The additional space will: provide room for additional bathrooms, improve privacy issues with the reconciliation room, best meet the needs of the clergy and altar servers in preparation for Mass, and allow more space for bridal parties during weddings and family processions prior to funerals.

School Expansion/Safe Room Addition

The school expansion entails demolition of the convent, the addition of 10,200 sq ft building with 6 classrooms and furnishings, a safe room with capacity for over 400, a therapy room, and an office, as well as the addition of a pitched roof on the original elementary.

The convent building, built in 1950, does not meet current codes for life safety and themoney required to renovate that structure would be over $800,000 - 35% of what a new building would cost. Regardless of other projects, the convent MUST be repaired or replaced in order for the school to continue to utilize it. The new structure will also provide a much-needed SAFE ROOM, as well as TWO additional classrooms to the four that are currently in the convent. Based on current and expected enrollment and class offerings, this space is greatly needed.

Your Support

Our goal for the capital campaign is to raise $2,960,213 in order to complete both projects.

Can you commit $24.04/week? Over the course of four years, that donation will provide an impactful gift of $5,000 to the campaign! We are asking all SH families to consider a gift of $5,000 - but we do recognize that some can give much more and some much less. We ask that each family prayerfully consider your ability to support this important project.

All gifts are gratefully accepted. The pledge/donation form is available in the brochure below. Gifts are also accepted via paypal and we will gladly recognize and acknowledge tribute gifts. A more thorough description of the project is available in the FAQs.

Most importantly we ask that you pray for the campaign. The campaign prayer is below; a special daily prayer book is also available. For this or any other questions/information, please email or call 501.354.4358.

Capital Campaign

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