
Sacred Heart Catholic School

Must be 3 by August 1st to enroll.
Hours of Operation are 7:30 am until 5:00 pm

Tuition cost is $485 per month
Annual $50 supply fee due each August

Pre-K Registration Inquiry

For more information, contact Director Haley Raney

Pre-k will close the same days as the K-12 school during the school year. Summer care available for the same hours listed above.


Licensing Requirements

Pre-k Acceptance Priorities:
In keeping with the policies of Sacred Heart Catholic School, the Pre-k will fill open positions in the pre-school according to the following priorities, in the order listed:

  1. Members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church
  2. Members of other Catholic churches
  3. Student has other siblings enrolled at SH K-12
  4. Non-Catholic students
  5. Inquiry date
Once a position has been offered, the family must enroll by the stated deadline in order to hold their spot or it may be given to the next student in line.


Sacred Heart Catholic School

106 N. St. Joseph
Morrilton, AR 72110
Ph: 501.354.8113
Fx: 501.354.2001
Elementary Office: 501-354-4416