

BEER, BRATS, & BID Friday, October 4, 2024
$50 / Ticket, 6-9PM Silent Auction, Beer Garden, Live Music, Cocktails Courtesy of the Southern Sippery

OKTOBERFEST Saturday, October 5, 2024
5:00-8:00pm (Mass at 4pm)

All-You-Can-Eat Turkey & Dressing Dinner First-Come First Serve
5-7pm Dine-in ($15/each, $10 under 12, 3 and under free); 4-6pm Take Out Available ($15 each)
5-7:30pm - Games for all Ages, Haunted Hall, Concessions
Oktoberfest Walk @ 7:45pm


This year’s event will once again include a competition among classes to sell the most raffle tickets and will culminate with the Oktoberfest Walk. Representatives from each class have been randomly selected.  The competition breakdown will be as follows: Prek3-1st; 2nd-6th; and 7th-12th grades. Each week, the winning classes will be announced for selling the highest class average the previous week and they will be awarded a prize (special treat for pre-k, free dress for K-12) during the following school week. There will be four weeks of weekly competition and the weekly totals will not be cumulative. The final competition will conclude at 7:15pm the night of Oktoberfest (October 5). The classes that sells the highest cumulative class average will win a prize (field trip) and the representatives will be crowed Herr & Dame at the Oktoberfest ceremony. 

Please note the competition will be based on class average to make it fair to all classes, regardless of the class size. So, if a class of 7 sells 1000  tickets, they sold an average of 142 tickets per student; if a class of 27 sells 1000 tickets, they only sold an average of 37 tickets per student.  All families are encouraged to help sell tickets to improve your child’s classes’ chances of winning.

Weekly Competition: 
August-September 13th
September 14-20
September 21-27
September 28-October 5

Grade Boy Rep Girl Rep
P3 Walker Henry Emelia Beck
P4 Brooks Andrews Campbell Ragazzoni
K Oliver Kordsmeier McKenna Blaylock
1 Trac Crawford Bexley Meza
2 Evert Jones Turner McDonald
3 Hudson Andrews Eva Roller
4 Grant Turner Margo Zimmerman
5 Worth Willbanks Ealyn Parham
6 Grady Cobb Ava Prater
7 Tanner Bounds Abigail McCall
8 Weldyn Tuck Ansley Parham
9 Dierks Beavers Corlie Zimmerman
10 Mason Williams Lilly Smith
11 Beck Willbanks Katie Carpenter
12 Matthew Buser Hailey Larson





«March 2025»